24 November 2008

carol kleyn "return of the silkie"

Return of the what? Is this record a joke?! Here's the first lp cover I'm posting which actually features the artist. This is very rare, before tv and the internet you could get away with being an ugly musician, as long as you found some ridiculously hot woman to put on the cover of your album. Carol breaks the mold. She's sexy. She plays music. She goes topless on the beach, and she carries around a harp?! This ties into the implausibility observation of the previous post. How the fuck would little Carol Kleyn be able to heft a huge ass harp unto some rocks at a beach. And why? Imagine the damage the salt air would do to the instrument. Sexy? Yes. Intelligent? Hardly...

Gordon Calcote "Folsom Prison"

I just noticed I posted two album covers in a row showing off backs. I must be on a back kick, so to move things in another direction, here's a knock out blond, great curves, yellow babydoll dress, provacativly grasping on to whatis assumed to be a folsome state prisoner. This photo is so hot, and completly unplausable. No one in any prison, any where in the world. has even been in this situation.

Bonus points for the awesome color scheme.

Ohio Players "Back"

This record art is conservative for the infamous Ohio Players, but it's deffinitly the sexiest one I've come across, a beautful brown body perfectly possed and framed, wrapped in cassette tape. 

18 November 2008

charlie byrd "the new wave"

A beautiful woman, with an amazing body in a sexy little red bikini, stands in a crashing wave. Did you even notice the remnants of the promo sticker?

Part of my job is to take pictures of vinyl. I've been collecting some of the best, sexiest record covers i come across, and i decided to share them with the world. theres plenty of sites online featuring "the sexiest all time album covers," so i decided to set myself apart by 1: including only vinyl covers, 2: not succumbing to smut, and 3: including albums from around the world, and not just the english and american covers most sites offer. so you wont find sugar ray's "Lemonade And Brownies" on this site, but i've got a jimmi hendrix picture disc coming up that's going to blow your mind. stay tuned. and for more info on this album look it up, i couldn't find shit except that it's from 1974.